Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Here I Am.

Well, I have decided to start my very own blog. I ask myself, why am I doing this? What is it's purpose? It has always been very important for me to be aware of why I do certain things, say certain things, what is motivating me in every action I take...

lately I have been feeling an urge to create something, to express myself in some way. This blog will be my creative self expression...a way to share my thoughts, ideas and inspirations. it will also be my way of getting to know myself better.

Sometimes I feel like inside my head is an ocean of feelings, emotion, images, thoughts, words...it's all very random, there is no organization, and when I try to speak sadly the same is true. But I find that when I take the time to sit down and write it out, every feeling, thought and emotion seems to line up and flow out on to the the paper (or computer screen) much more easily, it's very fulfilling! So this will be my space to express myself and to better understand myself. I am very excited!

These pictures are from a magical trip Ian and I took to Big Sur California with some friends in '09- I thought it was relevant with the "my head is like an ocean" part above:-)

xo Autumn

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