Saturday, April 2, 2011

Almost Free!

Hi all! Sorry I have been absent from the blog world for so long! I am coming upon finals week at school and a very important Exit Exam. I have been studying like a mad woman! Once this is all over in a week I will be FINISHED with college! I am so excited for this new phase of my life to begin. But until then I just need to hunker down for a little while longer. Pretty soon I will be basking in the sun with a margarita in my hand dreaming up blog posts pool side, haha I don't know about all that, but a lady can dream:-)

Above is a fun picture of me and my Ian at Bay to Breakers, a crazy Mardi Gras-esque parade that happens every year in the streets of San Francisco. Thousands of people come out in costume...or nude! There are floats, games and house parties along the way, it's a crazy fun time! Ian and I will be participating for the third time together in May and we have been bouncing around costume ideas. You'll have to wait and see what we come up with! Until next time.

xo Autumn


  1. I LOVE THIS PICTURE OF YOU TWO!! The costumes are perfect!! Good luck with your finals & I hope to see you soon :0) I mailed yours & Ian's invite last week on Tuesday! Hopefully it found you well! Let me know how your finals go! Congrats again on finishing up school! Love you Autumn! We need to stay in touch way more often. Pat & I want to come see a show your way in May, Xavier Rudd in San Francisco at the regency ballroom on the 3rd..


  2. I know how that is! the end of the semester is always the worst. you can do it though lady!!


  3. @ Nikki: I miss you!! Just checked to mailbox and I have not yet received the invite but I'm sure it's coming soon. That Xavier Rudd show will be amazing I'm sure, I hadn't heard of him but Ian is a big fan, so I looked him up on YouTube and he is pretty awesome! Will you guys be staying in the Bay Area overnight? We should definitely hang out when you are here!
    xo Autumn

  4. @ Tia: Thank you so much for the encouragement! I passed one final today and I have one more to go (the big one) think positive thoughts for me:-)
