Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's all about balance.

Adorable print I got off etsy by Pilgrim of the Moon
If you don't know already I am a student in my last month and a half of graduate school. I can't even contain my excitement to be DONE with school. Part of me feels like I am already done, a little over it, kinda checked out. Senioritis I guess. But the fact is, I am not done, I have much homework to do and plenty of tests to study for. And not to mention three months of intense studying for a licensing exam. 

I have to keep my head in the game. Blogging, thinking about blogging, and following blogs is definitely my escape from school work. I just began this blog and I want to continue to improve my skills, my creativity and my expression of self on here. 

It's all about balance. This is just a reminder to myself to have discipline, to divide my time appropriately and to stay motivated. Anyone else have trouble with this?

xoxo Autumn


  1. Oh man. Balance is not my strong suit. Sometimes my boyfriend has to pull me away from my computer kicking and screaming... not completely literally... Best of luck to you though.

  2. WE all have it but choose to ignore it <3
    I hear you on wanting to be done with school, good luck with everything!!
